Translation in one volume of 'The Art of Metals (Ores) in which is taught the true method of treating by mercury those of gold and silver: the manner of smelting them all and how they are to be refined and separated from one another'
Volume entitled: "Early Days of the Electrical Industry, and Other Reminiscences of Alexander P. Trotter"
Bound manuscript translation entitled: "The Evolution & Future of Large Sailing Ships" by Professor W. Laas; translated by James Hayes
Volume entritled: "Elements of Plane Geometry and also The Mensuration of both Superficies and Solids"
Bound manuscript volume entitled: "Mines de Fer nommes Normarken dans la Province Wermelandie en Svede"
Printed booklets of Special Rules and Regulations to be observed at specific collieries in England and Wales, made pursuant to the Coal Mines Regulations Act, 1872
A bound volume written in clerk's hand, presented by Henry Minchin Noad to Museum of Economic Geology